The new Barcode Scanner app from Open Handset is a utility for scanning QR codes. The Barcode Scanner application is a simple Android programme from the ZXing open source project that allows an Android device with optical image hardware to scan 2-dimensional barcode patterns.and retrieve the relevant data stored. The technology is capable of scanning a variety of items including credit cards, price cards, digital images, promotional material, radio ads, leaflets, library cards, and more.
You may wonder how it works exactly. Well, first of all, let us see what is a QR code in the terms of a computer language. This is a short code that can be used to convey information between a network of devices, generally integrated on a web page. To encode a QR code, an image will be displayed on your computer screen or printed on paper. When you scan a code, a request is sent to the server through the internet to decode and send back the image or information contained within.
There are several reasons why you would want to scan a QR code. One reason is so that you can access the content on a website quickly and easily. Another reason is so that you can sign up for an online service using a mobile phone. Yet another reason is to use a voucher. With any of these reasons, a scan of the QR code allows the online content to be accessed in a short space of time.

Currently there are two different approaches to encoding a barcode. These are the B QR code and the RFQ code. The B-code method uses four different vertical bars which are alternated horizontally. Each of these vertical bars contains a unique vertical barcode which is then encoded on the scan QR code, right and bottom. The process of encoding the barcode is done on a horizontal basis and then the top and bottom bars are repeated so that a total of eight bars are encoded.
The RFQ code system works in a different way. This system has nine vertical bars which have each turned black for a varying length of time. The first line of the barcode system contains the letter “R”, which identifies the “reduced bandwidth RF signal” code. This code is used to indicate that the signal strength is lower than the normal requirement and that the user should try to negotiate a better signal strength if they wish to transmit a document or application.
A “scanner” is used to scan the code so that the data is sent back to the device from which it is meant to be received. Currently there are mainly two types of scanners which are based on the aforementioned systems. The first type is a software based scanner and the second type is a hardware-based scanner.
As software based software devices are quite easy to use, most people prefer them for the purpose of carrying out simple coding tasks. However, some businesses have begun to use hardware-based equipment for the purpose of decoding sensitive information. It has been found that this can reduce costs and increase productivity.
When a business decides to encode a QR code they need to work out how much bandwidth their needs to support. If they choose to use a hardware based scanner, they will find that they are unable to encode all the required codes. Hardware-based devices also require the creation of a matching code image that many businesses find very difficult. Therefore, they may choose to use software to scan the code.
This can sometimes cause problems if the person who wants to read the code does not know how to match a code image. When this happens the reader will have to decode the message and may end up wasting time and resources as the process gets more complicated. Scanning can also be very slow if there is a lot of data to decode. Some people prefer to scan the QR codes that are available on their mobile phone when they are traveling away from home.

With a software-based QR code reader there is no need for any hardware or software. The software is run on the personal computer or the laptop of the person who wants to read the code. Once the code has been decoded, the reader can then give the user the option to print or save the decoded information. There are a number of different models of code readers available, which give the user the ability to either print or save the information. Some allow the user to scan a single code, others allow the user to scan a series of codes.
A good quality code reader is likely to scan a variety of different types of QR codes. For the best results, it is likely to be one that is capable of scanning most if not all of the current QR codes that are in circulation. If this is not the case, the person may be wasting time trying to use a code scanner that is too weak.