These food products should not be kept in the freezer

The lockdown has caused some panic in the minds of people that people are stocking kitchen items even after it is available in the market. Freezers are used to store food items, but did you know that many food items get spoiled by placing them in the freezer? Further similar food products have been described: which should not be kept in the freezer

Dairy product

Milk is the first thing we want to stock, but never milk. Do not freeze the compartments.

Fried Foods

We like fries, pakoras, and nuggets because of their crunch, but if we freeze them, their crunch will be over. Instead of keeping them in the freezer for heating, eat them hot.


Want to make noodles during a lockdown? But never keep cooked or raw noodles and pasta in the freezer. Because they will spoil after defrosting. Buy as many packs of noodles as needed.


Use slices of frozen cucumber slices only for your eyes, not for food. After removing the cucumber from the freezer, it becomes flabby and its taste also changes.


Store only dry fruits in the freezer. Keeping fresh fruits in the freezer kills their nutrition.


The coffee starts to smell of freezer from unopened coffee beans or ground coffee and also changes its taste. However, you can store unopened packets of coffee in the freezer.

Tomato ketchup

If you are afraid that tomato ketchup will run out at your local grocery store, therefore you are wrong if you want to store it in the freezer. Because tomato paste, water and vinegar will separate in the ketchup when taken out of the freezer.


Freezing these food products changes their consistency, texture, and test significantly, so choose food items wisely when storing. Healthy food planning for the rest of the lockdown, follow healthy routine and stay healthy!

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